

Twelfth Night, Abrons Arts Center
Feb 4 @ 7:00 am – Feb 23 @ 8:00 am

Abrons Arts Center

February 4, 2014 – February 23, 2014

Directed by Charles McMahon

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Hailed as a “wild rumpus of a show” by The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pig Iron Theatre Company’s raucous, spirited Twelfth Night breathes new life into the Bard’s classic.
With equal measures of absurdity and heart, the company fuses their distinctive physical performance style with Shakespeare’s text, creating an exhilarating version replete with practical jokes, gender confusion, and mistaken identity. This exuberant, unpredictable, award-winning production is definitely not your grandparent’s Shakespeare.

Anthony and Cleopatra – Public Theater, NYC
Feb 18 @ 5:45 pm – Mar 23 @ 6:45 pm

By William Shakespeare 
Edited and Directed by Tarell Alvin McCraney 
February 18 – March 23, 2014 

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In an exciting international collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company and GableStage, Miami, The Public welcomes back writer/director Tarell Alvin McCraney (The Brother/Sister Plays) as its new artist in residence with ANTONY & CLEOPATRA. At the fringes of a war-torn empire, a man and a woman have fallen desperately, passionately in love. But for a soldier set to enforce the imperial will and the queen of a people intent on throwing off the yoke of empire, there is no place for personal desire. McCraney creates a stripped down, radical new version of Shakespeare’s gripping story of romance set against a world of imperial politics and power play and transports us to 18th century, sun-soaked Saint-Domingue on the eve of revolution. RSC in America is presented in collaboration with The Ohio State University.

King Lear – National Theatre, London
Apr 11 @ 5:45 pm – May 28 @ 6:45 pm