

The Tempest, Bard on the Beach
Jun 12 @ 6:30 am – Sep 18 @ 7:30 am

Bard on the Beach

June 12 – September 18, 2014

Directed by Meg Roe

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Prospero, a magician and exiled Duke, is stranded on an enchanted island with his daughter Miranda, the spirit Ariel and the slave Caliban. He conjures up a storm that shipwrecks his enemies on the island’s shores. As Prospero and Ariel weave a magical web, surprising alliances form, murder plots are hatched, and romance blossoms between Miranda and the son of Prospero’s deepest foe. Meg Roe, who directed Bard’s 2008 Tempest, returns to deliver a re-imagined version of that season’s hit production.




Cymbeline, Bard on the Beach
Jul 4 @ 6:30 am – Sep 17 @ 7:30 am

Bard on the Beach

July 4 – September 17, 2014

Directed by Anita Rochon

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Love, jealousy, betrayal, escape and redemption merge to drive a story about what it means to lose yourself completely – only to find yourself again. Featuring a host of memorable characters and one of Shakespeare’s most finely-etched female leads, the play combines a fairytale quality with a modern sensibility. This physical and fast-paced adaptation is directed by Anita Rochon. 

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (a chamber play) – Stratford, Ontario Shakespeare
Jul 11 @ 6:15 am – Sep 20 @ 7:15 am

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (a chamber play) – Stratford, Ontario Shakespeare

a chamber play

By William Shakespeare
Directed by Peter Sellars

Location to be announced 
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About the Play
Two couples become gods, animals, demons, monsters, children, playthings and, finally, gradually, compassionate, honest, loving adults. Across one intense night of confusion, delusion, repression, permission, forgiveness and release, Shakespeare’s masterpiece moves right into the open heart of our multiple selves and conflicted identities – the only thing that we know for certain in this life is that, along with the climate, we are changing.

Christina, The Girl King, Canada
Jul 19 @ 5:00 am – Sep 21 @ 6:00 am

Stratford Festival

Jul 29 – Sept 21, 2014

By Michel Marc Bouchard

Translated by Linda Gaboriau

Directed by Vanessa Porteous

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Enigmatic, flamboyant and unpredictable, with a passion for philosophy and the arts, Sweden’s Queen Christina seeks to make her country the most sophisticated in Europe. But her personal aspirations – and her unconventional sexuality – put her profoundly at odds with her culture’s expectations of her, both as a monarch and as a woman.




The Beaux’ Stratagem, Stratford, Ontario
Jul 31 @ 5:15 am – Oct 11 @ 6:15 am

Stratford Festival

Jul 31 – Oct 11, 2014

By George Farquhar
Directed by Antoni Cimolino

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In a desperate bid to restore their ruined fortunes by pursuing wealthy women, Mr. Archer courts the unhappily married Mrs. Sullen while Mr. Aimwell dallies with her sister-in-law, Dorinda. But the two beaux aren’t the only ones with larcenous designs – nor do they realize that their own hearts might be susceptible to ensnarement.



Antony and Cleopatra – Stratford, Ontario Shakespeare
Aug 3 @ 6:15 am – Sep 20 @ 7:15 am

Antony and Cleopatra – Stratford, Ontario Shakespeare

By William Shakespeare
Directed by Gary Griffin

Tom Patterson Theatre

 [button url=”http://www.stratfordfestival.ca/BoxOffice/calendar.aspx?id=85″ target=”blank”]Buy Tickets[/button]

About The Play

Reason and judgement prove no match for the tsunami of mutual passion engulfing Mark Antony, one of the three joint rulers of the Roman republic, and Cleopatra, the seductive queen of Egypt. Surrendering everything to their desires, they open the floodgates to a civil conflict that will shake the very foundations of their world.