‘I learn my Shakespeare lines using illustrations’

Lloyd Everitt as told to Joel Lewin, FT Magazine, 13 March 2015

Actor Lloyd Everitt, who is dyslexic, draws images to help memorise a script and overcome his fear

The idea of illustrating scripts came out of a highly pressurised situation when I had to learn 11 pages of Shakespeare dialogue for an audition. I kept going over and over the script but the lines wouldn’t stick. With my dyslexia, when I memorise a script I remember words in the wrong places or I miss the sense of it altogether. Suddenly, it came to me to just draw it. The audition went really well and I got the part.

Illustrating the script allows me to stop thinking, “What is the line?” and instead think, “What is the image?” Before that I was like any dyslexic actor struggling with lines. You work so hard but it feels like there’s no way through it. Now there’s no fear of not being able to learn it. And that’s half the battle.

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