Post Tagged with: "Romeo and Juliet"

Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ re-imagined with a Bollywood twist

Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ re-imagined with a Bollywood twist

By Nabila Pathan | Special to Al Arabiya News Wednesday, 21 January 2015 William Shakespeare’s timeless love story “Romeo and Juliet” is set to receive a Bollywood make-over complete with music and dance when it debuts next month at the Access Theater in New York. Audiences will be treated to an Indian update of the age-old love tragedy, with the […]

January 27, 2015 · 0 comments · Global
Romeo and Juliet the ‘State of Origin’ of ballet

Romeo and Juliet the ‘State of Origin’ of ballet

Natalie Bochenski, The Sydney Morning Herald June 26, 2014   The Queensland Ballet has promised to bewitch the eyes then break the hearts of audience members with its superstar production of Romeo and Juliet. “Full of blood and heart” is how artistic director Li Cunxin describes the work, as choreographed by the legendary English dancer Sir Kenneth Macmillan in 1965. “He was […]

June 28, 2014 · 0 comments · Theaters

Mao’s Last Dancer author Li Cunxi talks about bringing Romeo and Juliet to Brisbane

Matthew Macklin, ABC Brisbane  June 27, 2014   He’s been hailed as the saviour of the Queensland Ballet, and he’s pulled off the ultimate ballet coup: bringing Sir Kenneth MacMillan’s Romeo and Juliet to the stage. It’s rarely performed outside of the UK, and tonight’s Brisbane premiere is the first time the production has been performed in the Asia Pacific region. […]

June 28, 2014 · 0 comments · Interviews
Manhattan Shakespeare Project performs an all-female version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’

Manhattan Shakespeare Project performs an all-female version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’

  Joe Dziemianowicz , NY Daily News May 25, 2014   A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. But a woman playing the Bard’s besotted Romeo is bound to raise eyebrows — and questions. Like, are those ill-starred kids being played as gay? Members of the all-female Manhattan Shakespeare Project have been asked that a lot as its […]

May 27, 2014 · 0 comments · Theaters
Review: Romeo & Juliet: Sandler’s Wells, Spectator

Review: Romeo & Juliet: Sandler’s Wells, Spectator

Giannandrea Poesio, Spectator May 24, 2014   George Balanchine’s Serenade, the manifesto of 20th-century neoclassical choreography, requires a deep understanding of both its complex stylistic nuances and its fascinatingly elusive visual metaphors. Many recent stagings have failed to meet such criteria,  but not the performance I saw last week. Things did not exactly start especially well, as the opening group of ladies […]

May 22, 2014 · 0 comments · Reviews