Post Tagged with: "William Shakespeare"

Something Rotten! Is a Musical for the Theater Addict

Something Rotten! Is a Musical for the Theater Addict

By Jim Kelly for Vanity Fair, May 2015 Betting on a new Broadway musical is like betting on a racehorse: the shrewd gambler knows nothing guarantees a winner but great bloodlines help. So, there is high expectation for Something Rotten!, a musical comedy about the very first musical comedy, set for the purposes of this showbiz fable in the 1590s, when […]

April 19, 2015 · 0 comments · Popular Culture
Richard III has inspired a foul plot to dig up Shakespeare

Richard III has inspired a foul plot to dig up Shakespeare

By Andrew Dickinson for The Guardian, 31 March 2015 A South African academic reckons it’s time to dig up William Shakespeare. Inspired by the revelations about Richard III, recently liberated from a car park in Leicester, professor Francis Thackeray of Wits University, in Johannesburg, claims he is “very interested by the possibility” of subjecting Shakespeare to the same treatment. “Given the extraordinary success of the […]

April 7, 2015 · 0 comments · Global
Shakespeare’s grave should be exhumed using techniques honed for Richard III

Shakespeare’s grave should be exhumed using techniques honed for Richard III

By Victoria Ward for The Telegraph, 30 March 2015 An academic has called for Shakespeare’s remains to be exhumed so that more can be learned about his life, following the successful analysis of Richard III’s bones. Francis Thackeray, from the University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg, said he was “very interested in the possibility” of examining Shakespeare’s grave. “Given the extraordinary […]

April 7, 2015 · 0 comments · Global